Elite Truck School
Hillsboro, OR


"Attending the right CDL school is key to kicking off a stellar trucking career. Elite Truck School is one of the finest trucking schools around—whether you take our CDL training classes or CDL refresher training course, you’re sure to get an excellent education. Here are some of the things we offer:

  • Comprehensive training: Our Class A CDL training program involves 160 hours of classroom and hands-on learning. Within four weeks, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to get started as a trucker.
  • Excellent learning environment: We like to think of our instructors and students as a great, big family. Our friendly and experienced instructors work hard to make our school as welcoming as possible.
  • Job placement assistance: Simply earning your CDL may not be enough to guarantee you a trucking job. After you complete your training, we’ll gladly help you with job placement within our vast network.

Millions of people have found fulfilling careers on the road, and the trucking industry is in dire need of more responsible CDL truck drivers."

Classes only available on campus. Job placement assistance available. Financial aid available to those who qualify.

Class A CDL Training

Class A CDL Training at Elite Truck School


560 SE 4th Avenue #225
